War For The Overworld - My Pet Dungeon Expansion

My Pet Dungeon: My Pet Dungeon is the chilled-out management experience in War for the Overworld - an eight-level campaign voiced by Richard Ridings and focused on exploration and discovery, where the only restriction is your own devilish fancy. The Under Games: The Under Games is a seven-level campaign tournament set across a variety of game.

  1. Wesley Yin-Poole. Remember War for the Overworld, the spiritual successor to Dungeon Keeper that came out in 2015? A big new expansion for it goes live tonight at 7pm.
  2. War for the Overworld - My Pet Dungeon Expansion This content requires the base game War for the Overworld on Steam in order to play.

Darkest greetings Underlord,

The drums of war are beating in the distance, something stirs in the darkness and the realm of Kairos knows not what approaches from the swirling mass of the Aether. But before the grandest of schemes can be realised there is time for reflection, for a brief escape from the machinations of the mad god.

In this moment of calm there is no better time to engage in an Underlord’s most favoured activities – building dungeons and toying with mortals, friend and foe alike! To that end we’d like to introduce My Pet Dungeon!

New Game Mode DLC: My Pet Dungeon

Alongside Patch 1.6 we’ll be releasing a new paid DLC by the name of My Pet Dungeon, something diehard Dungeon Management fans will no doubt recognise and one of the things that has long been requested by our community.

Like the Crucible this DLC will include an all-new game mode, but this time focussed on building and exploring in an enhanced sandbox format. Think something similar to the Home Realm but on steroids and with a whole new batch of toys to play with!

We know you’ve always wanted your own petting zoo

War For The Overworld Creatures

We’re designing an all-new 8-mission sandbox campaign where each level encourages you to build and explore to your Core’s content, at a more relaxed pace than seen in other modes. Your goal will be to simply score a number of points through building and managing your dungeon, slaying enemies and completing various bonus objectives, to progress to the next level.

Here’s a nearly-complete rundown of all the features. We’ve excluded one or two though – we have to keep something for the coming weeks!

New My Pet Dungeon Campaign 8 Levelsgeared towards exploration, construction and discovery

  • Unique Scoring System – Build your dungeon and earn points to progress to the next level
  • Bonus Objectives – Each level features bonus objectives which award extra points in return for completing tasks, such as levelling up your units
  • Room Unlock System – Rooms in these levels unlock sequentially, freeing your research up for other Aspects and pacing your exploration and expansion
  • Toybox – A special room that appears only in My Pet Dungeon levels and allows you to pick up and drop enemy units directly into your dungeon
  • Wave Spawning – Spawn waves of enemy units at a combat Level of your choosing via new controls, to test out your creations
  • Three Unlockable Themes – Three classic Empire Dungeon Themes finally unlockable
  • Two Unannounced Features – Check back Next Tuesday & Friday for more!

Most importantly: although this is paid DLC we’re aiming for a very competitive price point the same as the Heart of Gold expansion (£5.59, $7.99, €7.99). What’s more, we’ll be giving away the first two levels entirely for free so you can try before you buy, as a continuing thank you to all our fans.

Now that the big announcement is out of the way we’d like to take a moment to discuss our direction with this next major update to WFTO.

The Philosophy of My Pet Dungeon & Patch 1.6

When we announced changes to our original plans for Patch 1.6 we were expecting some backlash, since the second expansion and the Skirmish AI update were now coming later in 2017 or even early 2018. We were pleasantly surprised and emboldened by your response with many of you saying you’re happy to see even more going into the game than originally planned.

The success of Patch 1.5 and Crucible has given us an opportunity to work on some things that both we and many of our fans have always wanted to see in the game, but that we didn’t have the time to develop before.

My Pet Dungeon is a mode that has been requested by the community since the earliest days of WFTO’s development, being a much loved feature in one of our biggest inspirations: Dungeon Keeper 2. We felt that with the extra time available to us we now had the perfect opportunity to slot this in. We’re intending it to be a mode where the player can kick back and relax – after all Crucible was quite intense, and with the AI update we expect Expansion 2 will also be pretty hectic. Think of this as the calm before the storm.

Not to mention the stress-relieving effects of slapping your minions into next week

With that said My Pet Dungeon is certainly not being developed in isolation. There’s a veritable horde of extra features, optimisations and improvements that permeate the foundations of Patch 1.6, which again we would have otherwise never had the opportunity to do.

Moreover all the work we’re putting in will help ensure that the final update and expansion, now known as Patch 2.0, will be the most complete experience of WFTO possible.

New Terrain: Obsidian

Obsidian is a new kind of terrain coming in Patch 1.6, which looks strikingly like Impenetrable Rock. In truth it is extremely hard volcanic rock which can only be destroyed by detonating nearby Brimstone. This means we can use it to create one-way passages, since the player can only approach the Obsidian from the Brimstone side – we’ll be making full use of this in My Pet Dungeon.

Obsidian will also be placeable via the Map Editor, so you can enrich your own creations!

War For The Overworld - My Pet Dungeon Expansion

More obstinate than Brimstone? That’s Obsidian!

We look forward to sharing more on Patch 1.6 with you over the next two weeks before its release on the 3rd of April! And we can’t wait to start sharing the really exciting things that are coming after that. But too much of a good thing, Underlord!

Check back on Thursday for the next preview!


– Brightrock Games Team

War For The Overworld Mod

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